Monday 6 June 2016

MMM'16 Final Week round-up!

A little late, but here's the round-up of my last week of MMM'16. 

Let's begin with the Old Favourites Dress:
McCalls 2401 Old Favourite Dress

My Bottle Green Vintage Liberty strikes again:
Vintage Vogue 1137 Green Liberty Dress

 The Vintage Pleated Skirt:
Vintage Simplicity 6091 A-line pleated skirt

And last but not least, one of my McCalls 3830 in action: 
McCalls 3830 Pencil Skirt

So that's it for another year! I've found it really enjoyable to participate, and MMM has inspired me to make more of an effort to wear home made items for the rest of the year. 

Have a great week guys! The sun is shining here beautifully, and I hope you've got the same fantastic weather where you are, too! 


  1. These dresses are gorgeous! I also want a dress or two like these so i will definitely take some inspiration from these and post about it on my social media pages!


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